For the wonder of it all....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sailing the World

The Historical Seas Tall Ship Regatta began on May 12th in Volos, Greece with Skye onboard the Russian Tall Ship Mir.
She joined the Russian crew as part of a five week race and celebration of tall ship sailing and racing in the Aegean Sea, the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus Strait, and the Black Sea.  The race is accomplished in three separate races totally over 600 miles between Volos/ Greece, Varna/Bulgaria, and Istanbul/Turkey.   As a maritime academy student and tall ship sailor, Skye's time aboard the Mir will be spent working as crew to sail the ship; part of her training will include advancing her knowledge of rigging, celestial navigation, anchoring, charting and piloting, and maintaining a ship of 357 feet. While doing all this, she will also be learning how to communicate with a crew of over 75 Russian speaking cadets, and sailors from over 15 other countries. 

If you want to share in the experience, start by following the race route and seeing photos & reading the news reports from the many links I have posted below.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So, you know how as you get older, you tend to collect lots and lots of information, it all stays in your memory, and then once in awhile that knowledge comes pouring out and you impress all your friends and family and wow your kids with all the insignificant things you can remember? Well, my brain is so full right now of ...hmmm...I don't know what...but, it is so full that I forgot my gmail address and password!! Imagine that?!? So, that's why I haven't been here for awhile. I was busy "wowing" my dreams!

I'm back, but with nothing really significant to say, but I do want to tell everyone in the lucky14 that it has been fun to read your blogs. You are so far from novices! The work you have done is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

I leave you for now with one of my favorite quotes
by Eleanor Roosevelt...

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just and running!

Can this be true? Am I really blogging? Is this cool or what? I'm not sure. Yeah, sure, there's a little bit of anxiety about beginning this new venture...blogging! I always thought this was for the "younger" generation...maybe my kids, maybe college students around the world. But, guess what? It's me...I'm doing it and I am really proud of myself. Thanks for joining me....